SPD Support Forum

Full Version: Looking for support as a parent
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My 4 year old son was recently diagnosed with SPD and some mild developmental delay (mostly likely related to his SPD difficulties). We still have one more assesment on Thursday of this week and are just getting started with his therapies. He is in preschool so we have been having meetings with the school and trying to get him connected with the special ed services through our school district. It has been very overwhelming at times and I have been feeling pretty isolated in dealing with all this. I'm happy to have found a place where I can ask questions and find people in similar situations!
Welcome. I understand what you're going through. Feel free to ask questions and share your experiences. I don't get a chance to participate in this forum as often as I'd like these days, but especially the first year after the SPD diagnosis, I think I would have gone insane without this forum and the many books I read during that time. It has been a rollercoaster ride, but my daughter (now 6 1/2) is doing much better and things are somewhat less stressful. I honestly think as they mature and develop you just trade one stress for another.