SPD Support Forum

Full Version: I am new.
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Hello everyone. I am new to the forum. My daughter is 13 and was diagnosed at 3 with SPD. It was suspected that she got it from me but I am only just realizing that I really have SPD and how it has impacted my life and still does. I figured I had some sensory issues but never suspected they could relate to any problems in my life. My therapist suggested I look into it more. I am finding a lack of info for adult sufferers. So that is me :-)
The SPD world really is focused on children. For some reason stuff about some disorders seem to just forget that adults exist. We really do though.

We have some other members here that are parents with SPD of children with SPD. We have adults with SPD. We have parents of children with SPD. We have some of all of it.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask us. Some of us have a lot of information. Sometimes thought to be maybe too much...(the too much would be either Dan or myself probably)