SPD Support Forum

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Hi, My 4 year old son (5 in June), was a 31 week preemie. He was diagnosed with Moderate SPD a few years ago. He has been receiving OT and ST (for expressive and receptive language) for a few years. He has a very difficult time retaining academic information. He has been in preschool for two years and worked with at home consistently. Plus, going to therapy for a few years. He can only identify the letter M for his first initial in his name. He cannot consistently name his colors but he can point to them if you ask him to point to a certain color. I have serious concerns about him struggling in Kindergarten this coming fall. I have another eval set up for him to see what recommendations they have but do others have these similar concerns? I am also afraid maybe something during his traumatic start to life has damaged a part of the brain. He did have to be resuscitated at birth and vented a second time in the NICU. I don't want him to struggle in school!