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Full Version: Hi im looking for advice and support
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Certainly is. People dont want to know but we need to push for the kids
Its a good saying
Had a meeting with a so called professional today and I spent most of the time teaching and correcting them on sensory issues
And I also got " but your little one looks perfectly fine "
They probably earn three times more than I do a year but because I have a brain processing disorder so didnt get on well in school I can't get a degree like they can. But I have been out there seeing it and talking it with very knowledgable retired people for many years so I understand a lot more than most
Rant over!
Ha. Hope your doing ok
Some professionals need to remember just cos they 'apprantly' know everything (they dont) they need to understand they may see people daily but when your that person being seen you need reassurance even more. It sounds like the dr needs a new job
Well another day another dollar
From all my hours of research there is just not enough 'experts' with the knowledge or understanding of spd. Everyone is different full stop. This is also the case with spd. Similarities but only the parents of a youngster know how it really effects the lives of themselves and children. You can read all you like but you really must be out there seeing it. As soon as anyone says the word clinical you know they are just going to be quoting to you from a book .
I hope you have a lovely not too stressful or upsetting weekend.
Every child is 100% different, I know another little girl with it but completely different symotoms. Its amazing really its such a broad use of it because there are so many different combinations. I would think there are no two children alike anywhere
Had another meeting today. Basically told I will get nowhere trying to get help as my little one is at least two years more advance than she should be
If you want something done do it yourself and don't trust anybody!
Have a good weekend.
Unfortunately it always ends up we do. If jaydens school work wasnt suffering so badly I would have been completeley on my own too, or even if he had the other class teacher for this year she is less aware and he would have been marked as a naughty child.
And the fight continues!
Its often difficult ti get others to understand too Sad
It an unless you have experienced it you just wouldn't understand scenario isn't it.
Going to see an ex psychotherapist next week who has world wide contacts but who also every time we have coffee tells me what a sham the Nhs is and he is really worried for all the people with a mental illness
I always feel better and full of fight again after meeting up with him so I look forward to any advice he can give.
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