SPD Support Forum

Full Version: When would you introduce SPD to the child?
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I find myself preparing to introduce the concept to our almost six year old by remarking on his many gifts and how everyone has different ones. I am thinking the next step - the other side of the coin - will be easier this way. He already knows he's different than others and will flat out explain that he doesn't know why he behaves as he does and can't help it. I wish I had understood earlier just how well he already understood.

When and How can I start helping him understand the disorder so we can move to coping with it? I want him to be able to articulate it so he can explain to teachers what he needs or stand up for himself when confronted. He is very verbal and strong willed, and does quite well already in social situations ... better than most of his peers.

When & how do we give what he already knows a name?