SPD Support Forum

Full Version: controlling or making decisions?
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I originally was going to post this in my local FB Support Group but so many people from one circle know so many people from another circle I didn't want anyone's feelings to get hurt so I searched this forum out.

Had a meeting with church staff, volunteers and pastor regarding my 5yo daughter's SPD. I plainly stated that without a one on one or a Sensory Friendly environment that I would no longer be sending her to Sunday School or any other church function. (25-30 kids in one room with multiple transitions, different teachers every other week and no training for special need children is just too much) I'm not angry about it. It's just not going to happen. It's a fact.

The director of the nursery said "Well, You're going to have to learn how to let go and let others deal with her." And for some reason that crushed my world. Like everything we do here and all the appointments and therapies and brushing and sensory diet was shrugged off as my own control issue.

And now I wonder, when do we let go? Is this my fault? Her meltdowns are becoming fewer and farther between... but when they happen and she loses her words people just stare, which frustrates her and then fuels the meltdown. So I want to be there (or at least have someone there I trust... which is few and far between) to help her out of that.

I don't want to fix this or find a solution. The solution that has been working is to keep her with me during services, which is working out well for everyone.... I just wanted to ask if I am being too controlling? Are we, as moms of little spd kids, controlling or making the best decisions for our kids?