SPD Support Forum

Full Version: worried..possible SPD ?
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hi all. i found your forum through Google while searching for an answer to my symptoms. i could be totally wrong here but i need to know.

I'm quite concerned about my eye sight.

During the day my sight is perfect, however, since i started driving 7 years ago i have started to notice more and more that i am becoming extremely sensitive to things like oncoming headlights at night and sometimes bright sunlight during the day especially if its been raining and the sunlight bounces off the road.

If a car approaches me with dipped lights on i often find myself having to stare at the kerb to the left trying to keep the car in a straight line, while if a car approaches me with full beam lights i cannot see anything other than the bright lights,

i have now become so concerned i have stopped driving at night until i can find a cause due to having my 4 year old son in the car at all times.
im 23 by the way
does anyone else have this issue ? do i have a problem ? is it treatable ?

I also suffer with head aches and tension behind the eyes if on a pc for to long.
beginning to get very worried so would appreciate any help

thanks for reading all
Ugh, headlights! Those can be so horrible. Since I drive a small car, every time I'm in front of a truck the lights are right in my eyes. It's awful, but there's not much you can do about it in the side-view mirrors (or up front for oncoming vehicles). If only the side mirrors could be shifted to show a dimmer reflection of the street like the dashboard mirror can, heh.

Given the issue with headlights and the headaches/tension you get from looking at a monitor for too long, I'd say it's pretty safe to say you are 'photosensitive,' or visually hyper-sensitive. This can certainly be a part of SPD. I would recommend finding an occupational therapist (OT) who can work with people with SPD and see what their input is. They may be able to make a diagnosis and help with treatment options.

Welcome to the site though. I hope you find this place to your liking and are able to find the support you are looking for here. Thanks for posting. Big Grin