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Full Version: Need suggestions for Stimulation
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I have a question. 38 yr old male diagnosed with SPD, executive functioning,and some ADD symptoms. Diagnosed by use of SPECT scan, neuropsychological testing. I have average to above average intelligence however cant make use off it because of how I process information and need specific and step by step instructions to understand at times. My biggest challenges include that I get overwhelmed easily but at the same time can get very bored as well. I crave stimulation, excitement in a fun environment. Exercise doesn't help as I have been told to try that. When I am in need of the stimulation and excitement mode diverting my attention doesn't work. I am looking for suggestions. All the books I have researched have not helped. Any suggestions.
Start by sorting it out more. What senses do you need more input in? What things are too much?

Sort out what sorts of things help when you are overloaded.

Do you want more noises or less? Does it matter what types of noises they are? Is music a good thing or a bad thing? Does the type of music matter?
Does the type of lighting matter?
Change the chair you use to one that gives you good input. If that's an exercise ball, cool, do that. If it means getting one with certain special fabrics, do that.
Get things for the purpose of taking breaks and playing with them. The things you put your hands on and have lightning things to your hands, the things that have lights going out to the ends of lots of little fibers, a pile of beanbags to burrow into, weighted blankets, various things you play with in your hands
Plan your meals to meet your needs. If that means drinking pudding through a straw, do it. If it means eating dry cereal for dinner, do it. If it means drinking unsweetened cranberry juice, do it.
Find what things you want at the end of the day. If you want a swing in your bedroom, what's wrong with having a swing it your bedroom?

And then, figure out ways to help with the EF, once you have organized your sensory system better.