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Full Version: 3 1/2 year old with SPD, wondering about OCD
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Hi there, I'm new here. I have a three year old son with SPD (a little bit of everything, definitely a "seeker"). We've had him in TheraPlay therapy for over a year, speech for just over 4 months, and have just started OT as well. He has made huge strides since we started this journey with him, but I've noticed some behaviors in him recently that make me wonder if he might have some OCD tendencies. We're obviously going to explore this with his team, but I would love to hear some input from other parents here.
He has always been particular about certain things, but just recently it's increased to the point that it is impacting his behavior/functioning. Things have to be perfect or in a certain order - an outfit isn't complete without specific shoes and hat, he doesn't want to play with a toy unless he has the right toys to go with it. Basically if things happen in a certain order more than once, every time he does that activity he'll expect it to be done the same way.
What I'm asking, what is the best way to deal with this - do I look the other way, go along with it and indulge him a little bit, or should I keep trying to explain to him that things just have to be different sometimes (for the record, that's not working so well...)
I really appreciate any responses! Thank you!
The OCD tendencies go right along with spd. I've had his daycare ask me if my son has OCD and I had explain no it's his sensory. It's just a way our my son copes. His dad is exactly the same way. It's a great indicator that my hubby is stressed about something. And the world will come to an end if you try to hurry son or dad through a task.