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Full Version: 2yo cannot wind down to sleep
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I am the mother of a 2-year-old who cannot wind down and go to sleep. She keeps talking and walking around. When I leave the room, she cries and screams. Eventually she falls asleep. What makes this harder is she has a twin sister who shares a room with her and she keeps her awake. It takes about an hour to go to sleep at night and nearly impossible to get a nap in the afternoon. We have a weighted blanket. We follow the same routine every night. Any suggestions?
I don't have any personal experience with this, but I have heard that Melatonin can be very helpful for kids who have a hard time falling asleep. You may want to ask her doctor about it. Does she also have problems staying asleep and wake up early?
She does stay asleep. It's as if she can't shut off her mind.
(07-07-2015, 02:04 PM)FLIrish Wrote: [ -> ]She does stay asleep. It's as if she can't shut off her mind.
Okay, then I would probably recommend asking the doctor about Melatonin for her.

My 3yo has the very same problem. His doctor prescribed 1mg of Melatonin a night.

The results for me I hope would be better for you, while he does fall asleep easier his night-waking hasn't changed.
