SPD Support Forum

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Hi there. I have not been diagnosed with SPD but when I read the checklist I found myself laughing and crying, its pretty obvious. My only clinical (mental) diagnosis has been Depression.

I'm 37, male, living in Texas (grew up in new England, hated the cold). I'm an ivy league graduate computer engineer. I've been at the same job for too long, as they accommodate my preferred lifestyle which is to be home almost always. My long term goal is to use my "gifted" brain to better humanity. I love space exploration.

I've coped surprisingly well, mostly due to intelligent discovery and use of external sensory modulators (DRUGS). Two years ago, I got into trouble with a crazy cocktail (including opioids) I got myself hooked on. Since then have been sticking to cymbalta (pain and antidepressant) lyrica (nerve pain and helps feel more comfortable) and another herb I can not name but can quit any time with minimal discomfort. I'd like to feel comfortable without these external influences that have side effects, etc.

I'm under the care of a psychiatrist and therapist, so I'm in good hands, no worrying needed :-) I want to know what to do to improve my lifestyle.

Also, my body is physically wearing out, I had back pain beginning at 20 and had surgery at 35 which looks successful on film, but I still have much pain in my back, legs, neck and torso. I have a lot of muscle tightness throughout my body. I can't walk longer than a mile without pain from my foot which has a completely collapsed arch. I wear shoes with Rx orthotic inserts whenever I'm not sleeping. I'm currently being treated with prolotherapy to tighten up loose joints.

Thanks for reading. I could spend days writing about my sensory issues, but this is just my intro. I'd really appreciate any help and support.

Best wishes,
BUMPS! ;-)