SPD Support Forum

Full Version: Hi from maine
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I am an at home father of two boys, and live in Maine, USA. My sons are 4 and 2 years old, and both have fragile x syndrome and are autistic. Though yet undiagnosed, I believe both my sons suffer from spd as well, especially my youngest, who suffers with self injurious behaviors. This can be extremely discouraging, seeing him repeatedly hitting himself in the face, and having to restrain him, sometimes for very long periods of time. My oldest is in a special school, and has progressed quite well with this. My youngest has a special educator that visits the home 4 days a week, and should be starting in school soon as well. I'm looking forward to sharing experiences with all of you, both by trying to help others, and receiving helpful hints from the rest of you. Hopefully we can work together to help each other out.
On a side note, don't mind my name, I typed in MRM, and autocorrect changed it to mom, which probably comes across as a strange name, considering I'm a dad. Ignore it please.