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Full Version: Hi - Adult with sensory issues
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Hi everyone.

Apologies for style.of this post. Just want to get intro done. I can end up leaving things forever and this needs starting.

Adult with sensory problems
43 years old - problematic life.

Misdiagnosed for years untilast year. Not diagnosed SPD as such but have SEVERE sensory issues and have O.T. sensory assessment recently detailing my cade needs. Particularly audio and visual.

Autism May 2015 backdated to childhood.
ADHD July 2015 backdated to childhood.

Hoping to discover more about other people suffering same issues and their coping strategies and if people with exact same symptoms have had improvements with ideas and strategies attempted.

This is deliberately basic info as only intro.

Admittedly in crisis but not expecting to cry on chat or forum. Looking for ideas, solutions etc.
I can relate. I've suffered my entire life with sensory issues. My coping mechanism up to this point has been wearing earplugs when around sounds that disturb. Box fans all over my home. But the worst is the social isolation. But it's a daily struggle. I hope I met people here
hi there my name is Kerry...I have been doing research into sensory processing....there is a site called pinterest you can sign up for free..if you type in sensory for adults there are loads of tips and suggestions and names of books that could help you...also there is tft...thought field therapy...im not a professional so my advise would be to find a therapist in your area that could advise you on this it might help.
I hope my information helps you. hang in there takecare Kerry sending hugs..x