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Full Version: Sibling interactions
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I'm new to the forum. Sorry for the long email. My son was just identified as having SPD through our local school district. He is almost 3 years old and will be joining an integrated preschool class at our neighborhood public school in September. This is all great, but we need some advice and strategies to use at home now (well, for months already actually)...
Simon is a very tactile, grabby kid. We he sees something that he wants to touch or squeeze, he absolutely must do it regardless of things/people in his way. He is a very verbally advanced kid , but does not listen when given verbal reprimands. He squeezes, squishes, and sits on his sisters (13 month old twins). He tries to ride them when they crawl around. (It was funny months ago, but not anymore). I feel so frustrated because he isn't responding to even yelling to get off. The only thing that works is physically removing him, which logistically I can't always do. I also don't want to be modeling a type of physical harshness that he absolutely should not emulate. I feel so stuck. My husband is not terribly helpful because he has CP and can't do a lot of the physical stuff. My instinct is to protect the girls and make sure they're unharmed, but that just leaves Simon angry and crying. I'd love to hear your thoughts and advice about the situation, especially if you've had comparable experiences.
Many thanks,