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Okay... I figured I'd bring this up since this is something I struggle with frequently. :/

Being a girl, I can't readily just shave my head and be done with it. I've got semi short hair, down to my shoulders, as it is.

I have a really hard time getting water on my back, my head, my face and the back of my neck. Washing my hair is a pain in the neck (no pun intended), and usually I end up sitting in the tub with a cup of water rinsing it slowly, letting myself adjust in between each dump.

But the second problem lies in after it's dry. My hair gets really soft and light. Normally people WANT that in their hair, right? They want soft fluffy hair that just bounces around. Well, that soft hair lightly touches my face, my neck, and my head itself and it irritates. I have dandruff so I use Selsun Blue to stop the itch, but even after my hair is all dry I'm feeling out of sync for days. I'm crawling in my skin trying to figure out what I can do to make it stop. Even going under my weighted blanket only helps so much. I end up scratching at my hair, but that makes it worse because then it makes a scratching sound which irritates my auditory sensitivities, and the weird feeling of hair on my fingers sets off my tactile issues. *sigh*

The only thing I've found to "deal" with it is sleeping as late as possible and going to bed as early as possible..limiting the time I have to deal with it. School is rolling around the corner so I can't do that anymore. After about 2-3 days I have to wash my hair again because it gets greasy, but that's right when I start to feel better. :/

Anyone have any ideas? ;.;
Does tying up your hair help, keep it all contained and everything?
I always have my hair up in a ponytail, but since it's growing again the bottom of the "ponytail" scratches the back of my neck.
I have rather the problem at opposite ends. I also really dislike the process of washing hair; I usually have to give myself a good scalp massage with my knuckles to put up with it, and my hair never feels "clean enough." But having it clean is better than having it dirty, so I can't avoid cleaning it again too long or I itch incessantly. (sigh) So I'm always facing the dilemma of to clean or not to clean? Same with my skin... I can't let myself itch too much, or I'm in serious trouble.
I use ponytails and anti-friz cream. The anti-friz cream makes the hair less painful if it gently touches my skin.

Eventually my hair gets long enough that I have a "Hack It All Off" day. The internal screaming gets louder and louder until I go get a hair cut usually fairly short.

Have you tried tucking up the end of your ponytail into the rubber band? I hate having my wet hair touching my neck so if I'm not immediately going to bed (where I can spread it out behind me), I put it up in a messy knot type of ponytail. As you're putting your hair up, bring your hair into the band just far enough that it gathers underneath. It will make a sort of loop and each time that you tighten the band, pull your hair closer into the band. You'll end up with a knot of hair (not literally a knot Wink ) so that the end doesn't touch your neck. I hope I explained that well, it is really hard to say how you put your hair up!! I'm also not keen on light touches, so on the days I'm really sensitive, the hair is knotted way up on my head.

I'm a little late, but I have a couple of suggestions....

I use a dry shampoo in between the regular hair washing. I also wash my hair and body at different times...so today I washed just my hair and tomorrow I will wash my body and keep my hair dry. That minimizes the unpleasantness of the ordeal and when I take a shower and don't have to worry about the hair, i can relax once I have been in there for a few minutes.

The name of the shampoo TreSemme Fresh Start Dry Shampoo.

Also I wear a soft headband that is completely around my head and keeps the shorter hair away from my neck and face. If I am having a bad day then I add the ponytail in addition to the hairband.