SPD Support Forum

Full Version: New (and excited to find a place like this!)
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Hi all,

i'm an adult with SPD, and-- though we've not had him tested yet-- suspect i am also the parent of a toddler with SPD. i was home schooled, and therefore able to manage SPD fairly well. Likewise, i work from home presently, and am finding that works well for me. i have a wonderful, WONDERFUL supportive partner who helps accommodate my quirks. That said, i've only just realized that there are other adults with SPD and am really interested in problem solving some lifestyle things like housekeeping, bedding with another person, and staying focused on tasks like formal writing and large amounts of reading. Likewise, i'm curious about the creative ins and outs of parenting a person with SPD without pathologizing him!

Looking forward to getting to know you all!
hehe, if you can find a way to make facial hair on men not so itchy when they're cuddling you, then share share!

(I'll give a better reply when I'm properly awake. Tongue 5 a.m...going back to sleep. *offers a hug!* )

Also, pop into the chat sometime during the day Big Grin I'll be around when I'm in class unless I'm doing classwork. College rocks. <3
I like facial hair on men. One of the few itchy sensations that I actually like. When my husband doesn't shave for a few days I can't resist petting his face. Sadly, he doesn't like that input all that much so usually that day he goes and shaves. Sad

My husband's SPD is mild with the exceptions of smell and hearing (moderate annoyances). My SPD is severe to incapicitating for sight, hearing, smell, and touch. Taste texture problems are mild for me.