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Hi all. My son, age 10, just finished getting a neuropsych evaluation. he has not been diagnosed with SPD but we go on Friday for the results and while the Dr. administering the test 1st thought PDD, she ruled it out upon meeting and interacting with my son. She indated that she thinks she knows whats going on, but will give all details Friday (2/25). In the meantime, I have been reading many articles on SPD and it sounds EXACTLY like my son. I will post later in the week if it is confirmed as I will need the help and support of all of you because I am at my wits end and my marriage is under lots of strain.

Good luck and hugs! I have an almost 10 year old son. We got his diagnosis when he was in 1st grade. The more I read about SPD, the more I was nodding my head, thinking Yes, this is exactly my son!

Good luck with getting results on Friday! Will he get services at school once he has diagnosis? Is he doing any kind of therapy now?

HUGS! My husband is 100% accepting of the diagnosis (still mostly in denial) but he is supportive of our son.
(02-22-2011, 07:32 PM)LynnNBoys Wrote: [ -> ]Good luck and hugs! I have an almost 10 year old son. We got his diagnosis when he was in 1st grade. The more I read about SPD, the more I was nodding my head, thinking Yes, this is exactly my son!

Good luck with getting results on Friday! Will he get services at school once he has diagnosis? Is he doing any kind of therapy now?

HUGS! My husband is 100% accepting of the diagnosis (still mostly in denial) but he is supportive of our son.

Thanks for the reply......yes my son gets many resources at school. Since 1st grade he has been in an inclusion class (collaborative class) and has received OT & Speech 2 days a week as well as reading support 5 days a week. He has not made much progress as he is still on a 2nd grade reading level (he's in 5th grade). He keeps it under control in school, but at home the outbursts are for the slightests things. And he is sooooo angry. will post next week again.


It can be really hard on your marriage and family dynamics can't it? I hope you get some answers that lead you in a helpful direction.
You mentioned your son's poor reading level, could he be having visual difficulties when he reads? I have special glasses that help me with my light sensitivity. Without them, all I see is a blob of black ink or white page. I can use a ruler to focus on and read each line, but that is torture. With my Irlen lenses the words are clear and my reading/comprehension skills are quite good.

I assume your son has been checked for Dyslexia and that was already ruled out, which is another common problem for kids with poor reading abilities.
Ooops, just realized that I forgot a word! That my husband is NOT 100% accepting of the diagnosis but that he still is supportive of our son.

Reading and writing are my son's weak subjects in school. Though his reading did improve a lot between 3rd grade and now in 4th grade. When he chooses books on his own, he prefers books at a lower level, like 2nd grade level. For him it seems to be a comfort thing. I find that he will more likely choose an age-appropriate book to read for himself, if my husband or I have already read it to him. We have kept up with the bedtime routine of reading to both our sons (individually). One night I will put my younger son to bed while hubby puts older son to bed, then next night we will switch. Even though my older son's homework includes at least 20 minutes a day of silent reading time, we still will read to him at bedtime from books appropriate for his age. Have you tried the books by Andrew Clements (Clement?)? One of our favorites is Frindle and we also liked Lost and Found. We read a couple of chapters a night to him and then later on when he has individual silent reading time, he is more likely to pick the higher reading level books if we have already read them to him.

Have to go get the kids from school...