SPD Support Forum

Full Version: Please help!
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Im not a heavy internet user but when I do use it it's for a good cause like this! Tiffany is a very close friend of mine and our children are very close as well so I'm trying to help as much as I can. As a parent of a son with SPD I wanted to share this with this group because if anybody can understand her situation it's us. We understand the importance of structure and routine. We can understand how traumatic this situation can be for a child with SPD or I like to call it there super power abilities to feel and explore better then most. We know how hard it is to put our child/ren through therapy (especially PT) only for such an event like this to undo the progress he's made. You can read the full story on the link below. We have exhausted all options which is why we are turning to the internet!

Please help, share, or pray! We are trying to help this mom and son by June 28th or they will be homeless. Tiffany is a 23 year old single mom with a 2 year old special needs son that has been diagnosed with sensory processing disorder and autism. She's fighting to keep him in his home because a traumatic event like this could ruin all the progress he's made in the last few months! He just learned to walk a month ago, don't let Jackson lose his progress! They are running out of time!
