SPD Support Forum

Full Version: Physical reaction when triggered - HELP
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My daughter was diagnosed with SPD when she was a toddler. She has managed her over-responsivity well for years. Now that she has started high school, she is struggling. When triggered, she has such a physical reaction. She almost wants to scratch herself out of her own skin. Since she was little, she has described it as the "itchies" under her skin. She rubs her legs and arms with intensity and scratches herself. I recently bought her a body soc, but she refuses to use it "in the moment". The last two weeks have been difficult for us. She came home one day from school and just seemed exhausted and sobbed for hours. She didn't know why (depression). I believe that the pressure of high school and all of the honors classes she is taking is a part of the problem. However, she is determined to stay in these classes. She currently has straight A's in all classes. I am reaching out to see if you have had others who complain of this "itchiness." If so, what can I do? She no longer likes the brushing and refuses to let me massage her. She is so sensitive to touch during these episodes. Sometimes she lets me massage her hands and that helps. I try to get the deep pressure in any way that I can. I also have had success with rubbing her back - when she will let me. PLEASE offer any advice. We are struggling so much with this. I am so heartbroken over her struggles. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.