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Full Version: using Omega Fatty Acid Supplements
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We went to see my son's GI doc for his quarterly check today, and I asked her about using Omega Fatty Acid Supplements to help with his sensory issues (which are directly tied to some of his GI issues). She, an internationally known specialist in the pedi GI field, was all in favor of him getting the supplements, but said the dose he was on was too low. We are doubling his dose to start with, and could go up to 10 times what I had been giving him.


Her recommendations were based on his age and weight, so if you're interested in using Omega Fatty Acid Supplements I would suggest seeing a doc who knows about their use to find out the right dose. I was seriously under-dosing my son and he wasn't getting the full benefit of the treatment.

I'm hoping for big progress with the increased dosage.