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I have a one year old who has SPD and is in OT. He has a lot of sensory defensiveness, so we brush him, do joint compressions, and try to expose him to different textures. He also has a lot of visual defensiveness (he won't look us in the eye when we're very close to him, although across the room is fine). His OT doesn't have any ideas about how to treat the visual defensiveness. Has anyone here had any success with anything that helped?
I have seen this challenge disappear after Crossinology's Brain integration technique was used. I would caution that integration at such a young age would require the use of a surrogate. The outcome would be the same however your involvement would be critical.

(12-31-2011, 12:43 AM)spdmom1 Wrote: [ -> ]I have a one year old who has SPD and is in OT. He has a lot of sensory defensiveness, so we brush him, do joint compressions, and try to expose him to different textures. He also has a lot of visual defensiveness (he won't look us in the eye when we're very close to him, although across the room is fine). His OT doesn't have any ideas about how to treat the visual defensiveness. Has anyone here had any success with anything that helped?