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Full Version: The Long List of Sensory Strategies
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So, I have an OT now! She gave me homework for next appointment (May 1st) to have as complete of a list of possible of all sensory strategies/coping skills that I use - positive or negative, purposeful or automatic.

So, I'm going to start a list here so that others can see my list and get potential ideas from it. It won't be particularly organized because its writing things down as I think of them and will be repetitively edited. Anyone else who wants to do similar lists, even of less complete, would be great, as they'd help me think of things I do and would give us more potential ideas.

Anyways Tuttle's long list of sensory strategies:
-Face mask (being shipped still) to block scents out
-gum (primarily taste, also chewing)
-peppermint oil in water to make it drinkable
-noise isolating ear buds
-carry a small flashlight for things like bathrooms with florescent lights
-anti-dry mouth mouth sprays that taste good and remove bad tastes
-cloak instead of coat
-wrapping up in blankets
-weighted blanket
-compression shirt
-demand cuddles/being held
-carry laptop on back even when unnecessary/ won't be used
-petting animals (KITTY!!!!!)
-training cat to lean on me (MORE KITTY!)
-trying to get a dog to go to church with me
-safety glasses (block UV)
-steampunk goggles (also reduce field of vision)
-sitting in the disabled people seats on buses - as far from people as possible
-tape over heating vents in apartment
-clenching joints
-curling up in a small ball
-rubbing hands on soft fabrics
-rubbing hands on interesting textures
-touching everywhere on my body that had gotten light touch
-minimalist shoes
-overuse other senses to compensate for weaknesses - depend on vision to be able to walk straight or steady
-simple avoidance of known issues
-avoid clothing when just at home
-run all dishes by my sense of smell
-avoid getting hair wet while bathing or showering when washing hair is unnecessary
-time showers based on schedule
-robe to dry off with instead of just towel
-shutdown sensory input
-shutdown other common things (like speech)
-baths with kindle
-kayaking (the movement of the water)
-visiting people to get out of the city
-not driving
-use as natural as possible cleaning products
-have others clean
-digging fingernails into palms to deal with painful sounds
-purposefully having itchy wool on my skin because its otherwise good and overwhelming in a less negative manner
-grocery shopping at not peak times
-rubbing hands on soft fabrics
-rubbing hands on interesting textures

I have s desire to do these things, while blindfolded, any clues on what this means?
Brushing skin with hairbrush! Adjustable hand weights that I put on my lap,neck. Vanilla scent calms me. Getting vibrating hair brush and weighted headband. Auditory integration music. Purple sunglasses if I can find them. I want to get construction headphones that cancell a lot of noise!Swinging.Rocking chairs. Learning breakthough! Walking in a shape of an 8 for an hour!