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Full Version: Joint Distraction and Compression for Core
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I've been given the task of researching joint distraction (that's the stretching out) and joint compression for the core of my body and my google searches haven't been getting much much of anything.

So, does anyone either have suggestions they're tried, suggestions from OTs, random ideas, ideas for searches or anything else for:

joint distraction for spine
joint compression for spine
joint distraction for hips
joint compression for hips
joint distraction for shoulders
joint compression for shoulders

These preferably should be able to be done by one person but can use things to help aide and can use another person to test in the place of things.

My OT hasn't done stuff with these before, but having been experimenting with me thinks its something we should build my sensory diet around. She's researching, and having me research as well. She wants me to do those things about every hour or two for a while and see how much better I'm coping then.