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Full Version: need some advice
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my daughter with SPD is 22 monthes she has a older brother and i also babysit a two year girl 5 days a week the problem is she does not ever get along with others everything they do makes her mad and gets frustrarted she has a speech delay also so she cant express whats wrong with her thats a big issue also but is there any ways to get everyone to play nicely we are working on sharing and manners but with the girls everything is theirs so its hard there. the other kids do know what sets her off her therapist and i realized that the other day when we were talking about it. the girl i babysit i have a pretty good handle on her and timeout usually does the trick or ignoring her bad behavior but her brother on the other hand we have a hard time with him he is in the process of getting diagnosed with adhd but lately he has been something else and wants to act around the girls age group instead of his. she also has a temper and i want to learn a better way of disciplining her since im the only person she gets along with. Any positive advice would be great and i know i went a little off topic just trying to give a lil info into what goes on thanks
Oh wow can I relate to you!

I have a 6, 4, and 2 year old. My 6 year old has ADHD and my two younger girls have SPD and the 2 year old has autism.

From what I have personally gone through, time outs only work on some kids and only for so long. I have found that when certain triggers start to get set off, I have to separate the kids. My 2 year old has a horrible temper and is easily set off. So usually, like you, I know what triggers her and can catch when I hear something setting her off. I remove her or the other child from the area and distract them with something else. I know it isn't discipline per say, however it does the trick with defusing the situation until I can determine what needs to be done as a disciplinary action.

Hope this helps, hang in there Smile