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Full Version: Brushing observations
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1. It is really difficult to keep with brushing while cold. I've been having major problems keeping with it. I am trying to get back in the habit.
2. It is painful to brush while the place you are brushing is numb. This is relevant for me because of my hands easily going numb.
3. My meltdowns are still reduced even with the days at a time not brushing.
I thought I should probably get around to posting here again.

I stopped the brushing protocol after 9 weeks.

We made noticeable progress with it, but stopped making significant progress at that point, and it was difficult to keep brushing for various reasons. It really helped with organizing me into figuring out how to cope with meltdowns, what I can touch is definitely more. What I can wear is not nearly as increased as she'd hoped, but there was definite improvement here.

I definitely found this a helpful program.
Thanks so much for posting. As an adult and able to really describe what you are going through helps us parents who are caring for their children who cannot verbalize what is going on inside them. This is invaluable information.
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