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Full Version: Has anyone tried Theratogs?
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My 2 1/2 year old just this week started using Theratogs as part of her OT treatments. It has taken over a week for her to even get the "suit" on. Yesterday was her first day wearing it (She had it on for 1/2 a day). Today we managed to get it on her after she fought with us over it. I have read up on it and I must say I am impressed! Her OT, Speech, and PT all went to the convention to learn how to properly fit and use them. If you are not totally familiar with it, here is a link to read up on it:

Has anyone else ever used them or had their kiddo use them? Looking for feedback on it. Thanks Smile
Never hear of it! Thanks for sharing, gonna check it out!
It has already made significant improvements with her! She has stopped banging her head on her crib at night. Slowly they are adding pressure straps. It takes her about a day to adjust to the new pressure input, but she seems happier once she is adjusted.
That is so cool!!!!! I looked at the site, that is different!