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Full Version: Struggles with interoceptive sense
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Our son has issues with his interoceptive sense and so does not feel the urge to go potty...or it's not strong enough. We are working on connecting with an OT to help us with this, but I'm wondering if anyone has some advice about this.

* He holds for longer than 2 hours
* He sleeps in zipper-up-the-back pj's to stop the poop smearing - no poop ick factor
* Will pee in the potty but only when prompted so his success is only as good as our timing
* Can articulate the entire process so we're dealing with a brain/body disconnect
* Can dress/undress himself
* Difficulty with a human prompt so we bought wireless speakers, hid that under a train in the bathroom and the "train" makes a steam whistle down every few hours to prompt him to go to the potty. That works most of the time but not always

Where he's failing is that he seems to not at all understand or feel the urge to go. He will sit in wet/poo undies and if he has a miss he doesn't even react in his facial or body expressions either. If you've gone through this before, I'd love to hear some advice on how to teach him (if possible?) to understand the urge. I'm not sure if he actually has the urge or if it's a weak signal or what.

I feel bad for him because I don't know how to reach or connect him to communicate the urge part of it. He's not extreme. I suspect he's maybe also Aspie because his speech is also often echoliac and he has little/slow eye contact when you say his name. Yet he will look at you and talk AT you. He knows that he is not doing something correctly, and it's a struggle trying to explain it to him when he's obviously seeing his twin sister Getting It.
