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Hey hey!

I came across this forum the other day in my search for other people who are in the same boat as me. I have SPD but I only found out that that is what its called this year.

Ever since I can remember I have had "issues" as many people like to call it. People would often tease me for not wanting people in my "bubble" or getting really upset when kids would play the "I'm not touching you" game.

I remember my Grandma knitting me beautiful outfits that I couldn't wear because the sensation of the garments on my skin was so painful. I get itchy just thinking about it.

I can't deal with a lot of noise, being touched, brushing my hair, wearing certain fabrics, certain smells, heights, certain sounds (anything repetitive). I feel like I can hear everything and I can't block anything out. I can hear electronics (the electricity), people breathing, plumbing in the walls and a lot of other ridiculous stuff that I thought everyone could hear. I'm only able to eat really bland, plain foods and absolutely no spice. I also have trouble feeling temperature sometimes and don't handle even the slightest changes in temperature very well.

So long story short, I am in need of people who don't think I'm crazy and might actually understand what the world feels like to me...

Sorry for the rant, but I just had to get it out there! Ha ha! I'm actually a pretty happy-go-lucky gal who tries to stay on the sunny positive side of things.

So now that I have all that off my chest I would love to start meeting you all! Heart
Welcome, Anne!! Hope you can find some comfort, if anything else, here. It's a bit quiet at times, though. :-)

I have a similar story, in terms of being diagnosed early this year after 30 years of just thinking I was odd. I'm not as severe as you in terms of the hypersensitivity, but I can relate.

The biggest things I've found have helped have been seeing an OT and making small changes in my life to make things easier - and also just being aware of 'oh, that's why I reacted like that'.

All the best!
Thanks for the warm welcome Rinne! Seeing an OT is definitely on my list of things to do. I have been searching online and will hopefully find one soon. I've recently switched doctors when my doctor diagnosed with me with an anxiety disorder a few years ago but never really seemed interested in why I was having anxiety and panic attacks. So now I'm on this new journey learning how to make changes in my world to keep me in a better space.

I usually wear headphones (even if I'm not actually listening to music or white noise) and my fiance asked why I haven't tried earplugs. EARPLUGS!! A life saver!!! I keep a pair in my bag now and while I can still hear with them in, it takes the edge off being able to hear every single sound around me. So I've added them to my little bag of tricks for helping me through my day.
Hope you find a great OT!!

That little bag of tricks definitely helps. One thing that the OT said to me was to go to places like shopping centres when they're less crowded to do your shopping - evening or between 9-10 am in the morning (well, at least that's quiet in Australia). I've found that helps me a lot, because I've been heading towards panic attacks in the shopping centre.

And the brushing protocol has also helped a lot with day-to-day, as well as doing things like being at heights.
I keep reading posts on various sites (as well as here) referring to "brushing" and I am curious about what it is and what is involved? I totally understand panic attacks in malls. I usually only ever visit the same place and I know where all the washrooms are in case I need to run and hide from all of the people (not necessarily to use the facilities haha). I also try to avoid peak hours which almost always turn into a nightmare. That and I try not to go alone if I can avoid it. I feel better if I have someone with me.
If you Google Wilbarger Brushing Protocol, you can read all about "brushing".
Excellent! Thanks LAC1961!