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Hi there! My four year old son has recently been diagnosed with sensory defensiveness. I'm due to start the therapressure brushing protocol soon, once the O.T shows me how to do it. Any thoughts? Anyone had success with this?
All the best, nic4will!!
We did he brushing protocol, but it was not successful for our daughter. She found it either very irritating or it tickled. We hung in there for a while, but when we explained what was happening to the OT she recommended we discontinue it. Others have posted that it helps them relax/calm down. You may want to do a site search for brushing protocol.
Thank you both. I had a breakthrough today...he got his haircut!! First time since September last year! I am seeing the O.T tomorrow and am then due to start the brushing. I figure I will try it, and if it doesn't work at least I know I've tried it. It will be a very challenging six weeks fitting it in 8 times a day, but hopefully it'll lead to a much less stressful life for my son.
The brushing protocol certainly helped me. It didn't get rid of problems, but it certainly helped.