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Full Version: 8 year old daughter with SPD
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Hello there, new to this forum & so glad I discovered it. Kind of wish I knew about it earlier!

I have fraternal twin girls who turned 8 years old in May. One has been diagnosed with SPD when she was very young, by an OT. She has also since been diagnosed with ADD (not hyperactivity but more inattentiveness).

She craves the sensory input & I do notice it most days. She loves back tickles, tummy tickles, deep pressure foot rubs (she actually cried the other week as I was not rubbing her feet hard enough!).

We are not in any kind of therapy with her, except for an ADD support group (for an hour every Saturday). Do you think therapy would benefit her, any other suggestions for things to help her?

Today my challenge was that she had 3 cavities that needed filling at the dentist. She said after it was fun, she really enjoyed it and hopes she has more cavities so she can get them filled again.

Ugh, how to get around that, when you tell your child they shouldn't eat candy or must brush their teeth so they don't get cavities!
Welcome! My daughter (6) has said some pretty unusual things, but I have to admit wanting more cavities made me chuckle. My daughter sounds similar to yours--SPD (seeker, dyspraxia) and ADD--also for inattentiveness). She has benefited from OT, although I don't give OT all the credit for her improvement over the past year. My impression about OT is that it helped us discover what works to help her regulate herself at home and school, her balance and body-awareness improved, she experienced major speech improvements because of the Johnson Whistle Hierarchy prescribed by her OT, Therapeutic Listening prescribed by the OT helped somewhat with regulation and improved sensory recognition. It's like the OT facilitates helpful things that we end up carrying out the rest of the week when she's not at OT. Just going to OT an hour a week and not carrying out a sensory diet at home won't be much benefit in my opinion.