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Full Version: A rant at my own stupidity
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I'm stating right now, that this is a rant. I just feel the need to share my experience with people who will understand. No one around here really gets it.

Anyway, I'm an idiot. A good friend of mine got married last weekend. The wedding was fine; the reception was a disaster. The music was ridiculously loud, there were lasers shooting about, too many people talking. It was horrible. And yet, because I love my friend and wanted to be with her on her special day, I stayed at this party for 4 freaking hours. The idiot part was that I new I would regret this party, but I wanted to be/act normal for one night. I thought I could tolerate one night without horrible consequences. Well, I was WRONG! It is Wednesday and I'm still sick. I feel spread so thin, so close to losing it, that I'm worrying my friends. Everything around me is nearly intolerable. It's too noisy, too touchy, too smelly, too everything. I can barely cope. I wish I could take a few days off work and sit in a lightly lit room and read for a few days until my senses are back to normal.

I hurt so damn much. Sometimes I wish I were normal.

Thanks for the vent.
Oh, sweetie. That's horrible. Sad
Thanks Rhinne. I appreciate your concern. It helps.
What you said in your post also made me realise something - last Sunday I had a massive work event with about 3000 people. Spent the whole day on the go, talking, running bus tours, interacting with people. Had no chance to try to do anything to help SPD-wise (no chance for brushing in particular), but i survived the day. I though that my tiredness/balance crappiness this week was just from having two nights with not enough sleep (I did catch up somewhat on others). Nope, I forgot to take into account the consequences for ignoring the SPD.

(And I have my best friend's wedding - I'm in the bridal party - not this weekend but next weekend. Eeep. I'm not as severe as you are with the reaction, but still a bit scared.)

I hope you're starting to feel better.