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Full Version: Financial Help?
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Not sure if anyone knows of anything or if it even exist. Are there programs out there to help out financially for families that have kids with SPD? We have insurance. We have BCBS. We met our ded. a LONG time ago and have almost met our out of pocket. My son is currently getting OT PT SP and is seeing almost every specialist you can think of trying to figure out what else is wrong with him. And he also is needing behavioral therapy and there is a good chance my insurance will not cover it because hes not ASD or have ABA benefits. Weve applied for Medicaid and don't get it. They tried giving us "medically needy" but we had to meet a $2900 a month before they would pay anything. We keep trying to apply and well get turned down. My husband and I don't make that great of money but apparently we are over the limit. I am barely working & I currently went through surgery ( cancer ) and we have maxed out both our credit cards paying for therapy for my son and every other test that he has needed and same with me. I try searching the web all the time and I find nothing for help with SPD support financially. Just wondered if any one knows of anything or any ideas? Im sure I am not the only person faced with this.
I'm not aware of any additional benefits available. It's a real problem with insurance that SPD is not an approved medical diagnosis. My daughter wouldn't have even been able to get OT if she hadn't been diagnosed with dyspraxia, and she wouldn't qualify for an IEP at school if she wasn't diagnosed with ADD. Her primary symptoms are all SPD sensory seeker, but that's not considered a medical diagnosis because it's not in the DSM. I wish I could offer you something helpful, but I haven't found anything.
There is an at home treatment called Learning Breakthrough. I think it is 520.00.But I know that Watertown MA. occupational therapy uses it to permanently build sensory integration. I can't afford to goto Watertown OTA but one year my dad gave me 1000.00 so I choose learning breakthrough instead of a computer.I believe if you google autism foundations you may get some luck. Here is another trick. The learning breakthrough is for dyslexia,ADD and aspergers. By using the ADD diagnosis you may get the therapies that help the sensory stuff and the ADD.Just look and see if nonmedicinal ways to treat ADD will work for sensory integration.I can tell you that cerebellum stimulation therapy works great for sensory integration and add. I know because I use it. That is what the Learning breakthrough is.Good luck!