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hello.ive never heard of spd.
the reason ehy im here now is because ive been diagnosed with adhd about 6 mnths ago,and ive been asking myself questions about what i do.i dont know if what im about to tell you is anything to do with spd,but would really appreciate youre feedback thanks.
when im typing on this keyboard,evry now and then i have to hit the keys hard,too hard....for the sound,and how it feels.
i smell things,put my tongue on things,touch things.
if there is acup on the side,i put it down slightly harder than i must,so i can hear the sound,and feel the cup go down.
i often bang my fingers down on the table,or it could be the palms of my hand.
i pit my tongue on my shoulder,to feel the dryness of my clothes.
sometimes slap my feet on the ground as im walking.
cannot stand hearingg people eat,yet i can make as much noise as i like.
very easily startled.
hate the sound of someone typing on the keyboard,yet when im doing iti ,its ok.
i also have tics,always have had, (frikin hate them).
thers just a few there,cus i may be at the wrong tree.
i know it makes me sound like a right freek,but this is what i have always done.thanks.
Mikee, It does not sound like a freek to me. The symptoms you listed are consistent with SPD. Have you tried doing a checklist? There is one on this website under Resources, SPD Symptoms. If you determine you may have SPD, you can ask your doctor for a referral to an Occupational Therapist who can perform an evaluation. There is much that can be done to help you cope with your symptoms. I would also recommend you investigate the Feingold Diet (Feingold.org). Tics can be a sign of a reaction to artificial colors or flavors, petroleum products, preservatives and/or many other things common to our culture. My daughter has found great relief from her symptoms as a result of this diet. Here's a l link to a blog describing what has worked for her. I wish you well!!