Tween Daughter with several symptoms. - happiestmonkey - 09-25-2014
I came across this site while searching for clothing stores that sell soft clothes for my daughter who is 10. She is very particular about the feel of her clothes and other sensory things as well. Then I found the checklist for teen symptoms of SPA and went through and answered so many of the questions YES that I realized I might be on to something. We have tried many things and Im a very private person, but I feel better reading some threads and knowing that I am not the only parent out there that struggles with these issues. Hope to get some support, ideas, and just hear about other people and their journeys.
RE: Tween Daughter with several symptoms. - Dani - 11-28-2014
Hi there. You certainly aren't alone in what you're going through. It can be quite difficult. I'm glad you found the place, and welcome to the site. 
As a private person, I'm sure can be difficult to share so openly, so I'm honored that you found this site safe enough to put yourself out there so much. I hope you are able to find the support you need here, though I am certainly sorry for how long it has taken to get a response! Best wishes.