New member looking for STAR and gifted Development Center feedback - Libaya - 11-24-2014
1. What brings you here? i have known that my 11 year old son had SPD since he was 14 months old. He has been in both private and public schools in three different small towns but with plenty of resources. It wasn't unitl I read academic Advocay for your r Gifted Child by Barbara Gilman did I realize that SPD is an LD. It has made everything make more sense. I'm looking for referrals to both the STAR center and the Gifted Developmet Center in Denver for therapy and help with a 2e kid. Also help needed in other areas but this is our family's top priority right now.
2. What is your relations to someone with SPD? Mother of 11 year old son. Do you have it? Maybe. But not as bad as he has it. I suspect my older son does too but he manages very well.
5. SPD doesn't run your life! What are you or your child's gifts? Interests? He is a sweet child. One of his classmate's mom texted me recently and said that her daughter came home out of the blue and said that she wished she could be more like Luke. He is sweet, well-liked by all, etc. he is very smart. He is awesome in Math. His older brother is good in Math but I think not as good as Luke. he loves tennis and soccer. He is a great skier but doesn't think he skies as well as his brother. He is also very musically talented. He can play some chords on the guitar and piano. His real passions right now musically are singing, drums and ukulele which he just got as an early Xmas gift. He loves animals of any kind. The best birthday present he got this year was an adoption of a Big Cat at a local animal shelter under his name for a year.
6. What do you like to do in your spare time? Any hobbies or interests?
Lately, this has been my all consuming passion as well as keeping up with my older son and my DH needs. If I had spare time, I would go to ski and yoga activities. I had hoped months ago, before I found out that SPD is an LD that I could do a ski and yoga week in Alta, Utah in January.
Right now, we have a scheduled evaluation and month-long intensive therapy with STAR beginning Jan 13, 2015.
RE: New member looking for STAR and gifted Development Center feedback - Dani - 11-28-2014
Wow, welcome to SPD Support! Your son sounds amazing. Sorry to hear about the ski/yoga trip getting cancelled. I'm sure you could use the break! 
Ah, but I understand what is more important to you. It's awesome to see a very devoted parent like you willing to go the extra mile(s) and get the help for her son that he so badly needs. While I've never been to the STAR Center, I am aware that it is an amazing place to be, and I sure believe they will do wonders for him.
Please give us an update on how things go with that, and feel free to look around the site and share some of your experiences and/or ask any questions you may have. Someone might just have a good answer that you didn't expect.