New here - jessica06 - 10-21-2012
My son was diagnosed with SPD when he was 2 and a half, but honestly i just didn't want to believe it. Ever since then it's just been getting worse. Im not getting really any help from doctors even when im screaming for help, and my grandma told me i should join a support group. I figured that would probably be a great idea. I'm trying to figure out things to help my son, and to have others that are going through the same thing to talk to.

RE: New here - LAC1961 - 10-21-2012
Welcome, we're glad you joined us. How old is your son now, and does he get occupational therapy?
RE: New here - jessica06 - 10-24-2012
My son is 4 but will be 5 in January. No he does go to occupational therapy. I didn't know that was a good thing to do for him. I've been having many problems with him but everyone just kept saying its because of the new baby. Ive been really looking into SPD and i now know that what it is.
RE: New here - heather40 - 10-26-2012
I feel that peds really don't know. YOu have to go to an OT or a neuro ped to actually get a def. answer! My ped at first said (at the age of 1) that it was ADD. hahaahahahahahaha I was like yeah ok. Then once I figured it outnad got therapy going we had gone back to the Dr and he saw the change in him and actually gave me kudos for figuring it out.
RE: New here - LAC1961 - 10-29-2012
I hope you're able to get an OT evaluation. The younger kids get treatment, the more likely they will adapt to their sensory issues and function at a higher level. If you haven't read these books, I'd recommend them:
Sensational Kids by Lucy Jane Miller
Growing an In-Sync Child by Kranowitz and Newman
There's a lot you can do at home, even without a diagnosis.
RE: New here - heather40 - 10-29-2012
Early INtevention is the key! There are always going to be things that pop up, but get into an OT eval, and look up things on your own, ask questions on here, I am sure more than one of us have encountered it and and tried many different things to suggest!!!!