Hi Marci, yes we are in the UK. EdPsyc, OT, CCD, Behaviour, CAMHS and SALT have all been into school and written reports. The issue with this is that they see him for probably 45 minutes and there is a big lack of evidence as hes never in school long enough.
He's seen outside of school by OT, community peadiatrician, and CAMHS so they will give input. I think our OT should come through for us in terms of insisting on the sensory diet being followed through. And I know the EP was thinking along the lines of an inclusion base that we have over here which is a sepcial needs unit attached to a mainstream school so that the kids can come in and out of the unit as they please as and when they are coping or not coping.
Just need him to be somewhere that has the deterination to get through to him. I work in a high school and am well used to being abused by lads that are twice the size of me and being told they hate me etc etc etc - I still go to work and treat them like I am really pleased to see them the next day and forget all the past things every single day. Makes me sooo mad that no one seems to be able to do that for my boy everyone just gives up on him and its not fair! (que me having a full on strop lol)
I have been to our MP (government representative) about this and presented her with all my info since he was 2 that show he has additional needs and pretty much asked her why a budget was more important than my son as from what I see its lack of funding that is holding back the support he needs. If I could I would pay for his place at the special needs school myself!!!
I will look for the mislabled child thankyou
- already have raising a sensory smart child but havent started it yet as am half way through reading sensational kids and have already read the out of sync child.