Posts: 4
Joined: Dec 2013
Gale here, I found out around the end of summer that I have SMD. Honestly the first week after I found out I couldn't stop crying- I was so happy that I wasn't broken, just a little different. It's been very helpful to read about other people dealing with my same issues. My family always made it seem like something was wrong with me for being so "picky" or over-dramatic about things, and this site has helped me explain it to them.
My closest friends have all been very kind about helping me, and they have all been very supportive. I still have issues with new friends trying to touch me on bad days, but generally they listen when I ask them to back off.
I'm an artist, currently in college, and I hope to publish a graphic novel series I'm working on. I'm also working on a mini-comic explaining SPD/SMD, something to help other people understand it.
12-05-2013, 03:29 PM |
Posts: 8
Joined: Nov 2013
RE: Hello from east coast!
hello there Galentine!  I myself am in the process of getting diagnosed with SPD and in fact based upon my symptoms it APPEARS I have SMD as well. I am in fact just becoming aware of this and I know very little about it even though I am 36 actually. my own family is like that too and in fact they just continue to stereotype me acting like I am a freeloader and nothing could be further from the truth. I know how you feel from experience I wish I never had and even now I would rather just understand what SMD or even SPD is then to waste my energy trying to get through to them about their obvious misconceptions.
12-06-2013, 09:05 PM |
Posts: 4
Joined: Dec 2013
RE: Hello from east coast!
(12-06-2013, 09:05 PM)Titan1977 Wrote: hello there Galentine! I myself am in the process of getting diagnosed with SPD and in fact based upon my symptoms it APPEARS I have SMD as well. I am in fact just becoming aware of this and I know very little about it even though I am 36 actually. my own family is like that too and in fact they just continue to stereotype me acting like I am a freeloader and nothing could be further from the truth. I know how you feel from experience I wish I never had and even now I would rather just understand what SMD or even SPD is then to waste my energy trying to get through to them about their obvious misconceptions.
Yeah, it can be such a struggle to explain it- a friend of mine has the unfortunate habit of being very touchy-feely, and I have to stop myself from screaming at her (and I'm really slow to anger).... It hurts, physically, and no matter how I explain it, she just "forgets". My mum has been getting better about understanding it, and now I'm allowed to listen to my ipod when we're out shopping (though only after a meltdown at costco)....
What's your SMD like? I'm mostly touch/contact, but sound can really bother me.
12-07-2013, 05:09 PM |
Posts: 8
Joined: Nov 2013
RE: Hello from east coast!
well my SMD has not been diagnosed yet but from what I can gather I don't like being touched or having water splashed into my face. I also tend to be introverted around people and I hate having my schedule changed at the last minute. I am still not too sure about other possible symptoms other then when I just start staring off into space so much that my cognitive functions seem to at least partially shut down. I also have very poor pain receptors throughout my body and injuries do NOT cause as much discomfort to me as it would to a normal person I SUSPECT. I once fell onto a sidewalk and scraped some skin of my face and a bus driver told me if I was alright and I asked for some hand sanitizer because I needed to disinfect the wounds right there and yes that burned but I hardly noticed and yet splashing water on my face even in the shower bother's me. I can TOLERATE having water splashed on my face in the shower now but obviously I abuse the hell out of myself doing it so I just try to do that as fast as possible. also it drives me crazy still to use Vick's vapo-rub on my chest while wearing a shirt and I still can't do that even now. I just accommodate using that sludge when I get sick by putting the Vick's ONLY on my neck and throat if I use it at all.
12-08-2013, 01:30 PM |