Posts: 261
Joined: Apr 2010
Recent changes to gallery, forums, etc.
Hi everyone.
You may have noticed there are a few changes around the site.
The gallery link in the navigation no longer takes you to the page it used to lead you to, but rather, a new page that has been created. There are now two galleries available on the site. The first one shown on that page is a brand new gallery, ezGallery, which is fully integrated with the site. The second gallery listed on that page is the Member Gallery, which is the one that has been up on this site all along.
I did this because the original gallery (now the Member Gallery) is not fully integrated with the site, and has encountered a few problems. At the moment, if you are unable to get anything to upload into that gallery, then I encourage you to give the new General 'ezGallery' a shot.
Other changes I have made:
- A new forum has been added! It is called Creative Expressions and is located right above the Off Topic Forum and right beneath the Sensational People Forum. This new forum is for members to post their own personal creations, be they poems, stories, works of art, videos, or music. I figured this could really help encourage people to be more expressive on here, which I know is something a lot of us SPD people love to do!
- I have made some changes to the navigation bar at the top. "Sensopedia" is now shown as "Wiki", to make it a bit more obvious to people as to what it is. "My CPanel" was renamed to "Settings" to help people figure out how to find the Settings. I also removed a couple of images that were only adding to the visual clutter up there. I also reorganized a few things to make certain features easier to find.
- I have made a few minor adjustments on the profile pages. I have moved the buddies box underneath the comments field, which is back at the top left where it was earlier. I have also added an improved 'Last Visitors' box to the right side of the page, to see who has last visited the profile and when.
As always, if you have any comments or suggestions, please feel more than free to post. I look forward to receiving people's input. 
Hi, welcome to SPD Support! Have a free cyber hug!
(This post was last modified: 10-24-2010, 02:31 PM by Dani.)
10-24-2010, 02:26 PM |