I'm in need of a weighted blanket.
I recently discovered that I have Sensory Processing Disorder and it's recommended that I get a weighted blanket to help calm me down during overloading situations. It will also help calm my nervous system down to where I can function at a relatively normal level without getting overloaded and having a meltdown.
Having a weighted blanket should also be able to help give me a good night's sleep, which is something I have been missing out on for a long time. At night, it provides enough weight and pressure to help calm me down and get me to be able to relax and rest.
I'm sure many of you know about this and just how helpful it is. x3
I've been wanting one for a little while, did my research, asked around, and did some price shopping. I've found the best place to get one, and I found the one that I want.
Problem? It's about $130. *sigh* That's including shipping though.
As it is, I've got about 81 dollars - BUT 30 of that is going toward my new tablet pen once it comes off of backorder. That means I'll be able to catch up on digital art commissions, for friends who decided to wait rather than receive a traditional version.
To try and come up with the rest of the money for this, I'm going to be doing art commissions.
Sketches, without shading, will be $3. Shading will be $6 since it takes twice the amount of time and effort.
They'll be drawn in my sketchbook, scanned in, optimized a bit in photoshop so they aren't blurry, and posted. I can send the original if you want, but that'd require me folding the paper up - Which isn't ideal when pencil shading is involved. ;
Please, lend me a hand here? I've lent a hand to helping others, never expecting anything in return and never asking for anything back. I've never taken care of myself the way that I need to, and so I'm finally taking a step in the right direction.
I can draw just about anything you want within reason

I'm not so good at mechanical things, but animals, people, backgrounds, just about anything I can attempt for you.
My goal is this: http://saltoftheearthweightedgear.c.....ges/PR001J.jpg
15 lbs of weight evenly distributed amongst a blanket that will help me a ton.
Attached is the most recent example of my art

I can draw animals, people, just about anything you can think of. I can help design a logo or something too. <3
Comment here or send me a PM if you're interested? I'm cross posting this to wherever I can think of, to try and raise awareness and money to get something that I've been needing for a while.
Thanks guys.