SPD Host

Posts: 10
Joined: Jun 2010
Hello Im the proud parent of two Sensational kids that are very smart!
Im also an Army National Gaurd wife. Im new as a Host to SPD SHARE but not new to SPD.
My son is 7 and was diagnosed before he was two. Despite his "disabilty" he is a wonderful child. He has struggled with it though. We like to go on with life as much as possible and try not to dwell on his disabilties. To me I feel both my kids can do anything they want.
I love to see him in soccer. My little baby is a great dancer! She is just 20 months and feels the beat!
I have lots of fun being a mom and when I get a chance I like to listen to music and watch movies.
06-07-2010, 03:09 AM |
Posts: 261
Joined: Apr 2010
Hi there Renate!
Glad to see you've made it over here. You may be 'new to hosting', but you are definitely one of the more active ones around, and I'm always glad to see that.
Soccer eh? That's a fairly common sport amongst sensory families I've noticed. Not me personally, so I tip a hat to him. I'm sure your successes over the years would be helpful for others to read. Glad to hear you also take some time to yourself; it's important isn't it?
Well, take care. Welcome to the new boards, I hope you enjoy the new site  . Thanks for introducing yourself.
Hi, welcome to SPD Support! Have a free cyber hug!
06-07-2010, 07:07 AM |