The template was useful for me, but then I am an Engineer and I look for Templates before I spout off...
Actually I have seen close to 50 Neurologists all over the United States, over 10 Optomologists, and 1 Neuroptomologist. None of them could find anything wrong with my eyes except being near sighted with a small stigmatism. The were unable to explain why I got stunned by the light and could no longer READ (devasting for me by the way).
I heard that Autistics had problems with light sensitivity, so then I talked with them and found out about Sensory Integration Dysfunction (otherwise known as SPD). I started researching SPD and talking with people who had that and realized that it would explain the last third of my unexplainable problems. I ended up going back to talking with people with Autism about their light sensitivity and they pointed me towards Irlen Lenses.
I went into the Irlen Lens place as a skeptic (even though independant research scientists were able to back up their results) and came out shocked that I was able to read again (with one of the Irlen overlays). Two weeks later I went back because the Overlay helped so much and got the Irlen Lenses. For the first time I was able to walk down a hallway without walking into a wall in more than 8 years. My reading was even more improved with the Irlen Lenses versus the Irlen Overlay. My light stunning went down. Polka dots and Stripes on clothing and bags were no longer enough to shut me down.
As far as the paralysis aspect of my condition goes, that is explained by my having Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis. Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis individuals are extremely sensitive to adrenaline rushes. Adrenaline rushes bind with the Potassium in your blood serum. People with Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis are sensitive to the smallest drop of Potassium from their blood serum even if they are well within normal limits of Potassium levels.
Right now there are a lot of people with Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis and Anderson Tawil Syndrome that also have major Sensory problems. There is enough of us, that the researchers are calling our group Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis - Plus. I am regularly working with the Researchers and other Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis patients to get this possible condition better defined so that one day I can have a firm diagnosis.
Because I have HypoKPP-Plus, Food Allergies (including inhallant triggers), and SPD, they together completely run my life and every activity. I can't really do more than use the computer without supervision, because my tendancy to fall or have a major allergic reaction are very high. My every movement has to take the HypoKPP and SPD under consideration or my chances of falling go way up. It takes a lot of concentration to walk.
My main labels are Feminist Gaming Nerd.

My health problems just end up interferring a lot and remind me regularly to not forget them. Sometimes I through in the Disabled label too. Disabled Feminist Gaming Nerd when I am having a day where I really need accommodations from others.
The Neuroptomoligist check the Nerves in my eyes and found them all healthy. I had a really hard time with the tests, especially a chess board test where the black and white squares quickly changed places. However, nothing showed as wrong with my eyes on that test, despite it causing me much physical pain.