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Posts: 54
Joined: Jan 2018
Fibromyalgia comorbidity?
I was watching a video on Fibromyalgia and I'm wondering if to some people there is an overlap of SPD and Fibromyalgia? Given that both of them are ways that your brain reacts differently to your environment? I don't think I have Fibromyalgia, the pain I feel is from my own not realizing I've been in a bad body position for too long and injuries related to that. Like sitting on my feet all the time sometimes makes my knees sore or feet craps. (I see the logic only after and yeah... might be doing that now.  ) I just had this thought in my head that the two things can maybe be related in that it's how our brains process stimulation. Like how when I hear a vacuum cleaner noise and I freak out like someone is stabbing my ears. Could these conditions be more related than we think?
06-05-2018, 04:34 PM |