Site Rules Regarding User Avatars, Signatures, Profile Pictures, and Other Publicly Posted Images
In General
1. NO offensive material, including drug, violence, or otherwise illegal activity may be posted in as an avatar, signiture, or profile picture.
2. No moving, flashing, or otherwise active images or animations in avatars, signatures, or posts to the forums. There are many people on this site who are visually sensitive, and for them, these images are incredibly obtrusive and/or distracting. Please keep your peers in mind when posting these.
3. If a moderator asks you to remove an image or signature line, even if you don't feel as though it violates these rules, please do so. If a moderator has already removed the image or signature, please do not re-enter it as is. (If you feel as though a moderator is unjust in their decision, feel free to private message (PM) an administrator.)
In Avatars
You may post either images of yourself or loved ones, or whatever other image you would like, so long as it does not violate any of the general rules. Feel free to go creative though, and post something that's more artistic, or generally representative of who you are as a person

In Signitures
You may post any text, links, or images, so long as they do not violate any of the general rules listed above. Feel free to use quotes, sayings, spiritual text verses, or anything else you feel like sharing at the bottom of your posts. This is a personal area for you to express yourself, so feel free to utilize it

In Profile Pictures
You may post any image as your profile image so long as it does not violate any of the above general rules. This image can be added by using the "Profile Image" link on your CPanel page. This image will appear at the top of your profile page, and no where else by default. So, feel free to be as personal as you feel comfortable with sharing on this image. Just remember that, unless you have blocked your profile in the settings, it will be visible even to the public when they click on your user name throughout the site.
(You ARE able to use moving images here if you would like. While it is still not generally preferred, as this is your profile page (and appears no where else), you are able to post moving animations here.)
Images In Posts
Again, feel free to post images that you feel benefit your post. However, be mindful of the above general rules, and do not violate them.