Hey everyone. I was curious about others having a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, along with SPD? I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 4yrs ago. Back in that year of FM diagnosis, is when my SPD became 100x worse as well. I basically went into a denial about both, for about 4yrs. This past May, I re-embraced the SPD after some serious suffering, re-evalutingand, and research, in addition to noting how much my son has the same issues.
Well, about a month ago, my oldest son, brought to my attention that a sign of Fibro, can be SPD. Suddenly I remembered I was diagnosed with Fibro, and came out of that denial.
Sad thing is that I also realized that my youngest son, has progressivly gotten worse, in the Fibromyalia symptoms, over the last 6 months, leading me to seek help for him, (which is in full swing -shockingly, having the backing of an older male pediatrician).
This is devastating to me - there is no cure, and my son is only 12.
Needless to say - I have been doing a lot of research on FM, and was shocked, seeing the amount of SPD associations now in the literature. It was not there 4 years ago - I never made a connection back then. I was just wondering if anyone else here, has fibromyalgia as well. I just received literature - to see in print about sensory overload - was a shock to me, like - did I miss something 4 yrs ago? It certainly makes sense. Yet some older folks on the Fibromyalgia forum (that have FM for many yrs) still are unaware of SPD in adults. No doubts about it for me, just amazed that I missed it back then, and why more connections have not been made in this realm. Just curious. stacey