vanessa mary
Posts: 3
Joined: Nov 2012
New to the forum
Hi Im Vanessa
I only recently found the meaning of why Im so "odd".It turns out there are a whole bunch of you!Ive had SPD since I was born & never knew why I was the I was.....
When I looked at a checklist of SPD symptoms I see that I have most of them ! I thought I was just crazy! 
I will be great to find out if any of the weird things I feel or do are the same as others here.
So hello all ,great to connect with similar  people
11-02-2012, 02:08 AM |
Busy bodys

Posts: 210
Joined: Sep 2012
Welcome! You will learn a lot here and get a lot of support! You are not odd everyone else is! ahhhhaha My son is 8 and has SPD and my boyfriend is 50 and just learned what his issues have been all his life! So again, welcome!
11-02-2012, 07:59 AM |
Jerry Stein
Posts: 16
Joined: Oct 2012
Hello Vanessa, I am the parent of an SPD child. It is interesting to have folks on the board that are older and have lived with SPD You are in a unique position to help people like me understand my own child. I look forward to your comments.
11-02-2012, 10:15 PM |