Posts: 2
Joined: Jan 2013
Hi everyone,
My name is Patrick, I'm 31 and I live in Sydney Australia. I recently stumbled on this site after discovering that I have SPD. My 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with ASD about two years ago, she has a lot of sensory issues. I recognised a lot of her issues in myself and while working with her OT I completed some sensory profile tests. Before I had even completed filling out the tests everything started to click into place, the past 30 years of my life were starting to make sense
I am highly over-sensitive in allmost all senses, the dog barking, the anticipation that the dog might bark, my wife touching me even though I know she is the only one in the room with me, not being able to get into a warm bath that my 18 month old son can jump into, pickiest eater in the world, the list goes on.....
My funniest SPD moment I remember was when I was 7 and went to see Moonwalker, one of the Michael Jackson movies back in the 80's. It was too much and I remember having a meltdown, my ears felt like they were on fire. Everyone said that this was a normal reaction to expect after 90 minutes of Michael Jackson ha ha ;-)
Anyway hello to all
01-07-2013, 05:49 AM |
Busy bodys

Posts: 210
Joined: Sep 2012
Welcome! Seems as though you have a relief knowing what is going on with yourself! That is how I felt when I had a name for what was going on with my son! That is when you can take the reigns and know what direction to go in! glad you found us it is great here! THe people are awesome!
01-07-2013, 08:55 AM |