Posts: 20
Joined: Jan 2013
Hello All,
I am Frubsdad and really glad I found this place. Like many of you here, I have a 4yo son who is diagnosed with SPD...more than likely something I've struggled with my entire life. Jeeze, all my teachers/parent/strangers thought I was lazy and hyperactive...little did they know!!!
All kidding aside, I am here because of my little guy. The last two years have been say the least...for me, my wife, daughter, and most importantly my son who has SPD.
I really hope to shed some light about some of the questions I have, techniques and ideas from others with similar experiences, hopefully be able to understand things the way my son views them, and hopefully give a little back to some of the other members.
I also have a 9 year old daughter who does not have SPD who has the biggest heart in the world. She is so patient and understanding most of the time in that a lot of our attention does go towards my son. We've tried explaining things to her on different occasions...but she understands so very little other than her little brother is a little bit different than other kids his age. I understand how she feel jealous, angry, and sad at times....we really do our best to put as much time as possible aside for her and only her. Although, as many of you know, things don't always go the way we always want.
Just like most 4 year old little boys, my little guy likes Super Heros, monster trucks, catching bugs, and playing outside with me and his pals. He and I do a lot together like catching frogs around our lake, fishing, going to the trampoline park...which he loves btw. We play monster trucks A LOT.
I really look forward towards digging deeper into this site. Any window, big or small, into the way my son sees the world helps us understand him better.
Best Regards,
01-28-2013, 04:59 PM |
Posts: 22
Joined: Jan 2013
Welcome frubsdad! You sound like a father that your children are lucky to have! Remember, by simply knowing and caring, you've already begun to improve the future of your son and his quality of life. That's a beautiful thing. Sadly I've only been aware of my disorder for a short time so I can't really give any advice yet, especially since I haven't found the right doctor & OT to help me. I'm new here as well 
Welcome, and congrats for finding this little niche, I'm certainly overwhelmed with joy to have finally found a group of people (or even a single person) that understands what I have and am going through.
01-29-2013, 11:05 PM |
Busy bodys

Posts: 210
Joined: Sep 2012
Hi and WELCOME!!!!
I have a son with SPD he is now 8, he was diagnosed at 1 1/2 years old. So I am a veteran, lol. I saw the bugs!!!! My son LOVES bugs!!!! IF you saw all the jars of dead bugs you would know for sure! You have come to the best site ever and look for them on facebook they post tons of great resources too!!! My son is sensory seeking so I guess that is polite to say HYPERACTIVE!!! A lot of therapy has gotten him to where he is now!!! His coping skills are just becoming awesome!!! We still have several issues but for the most part he has come very far!!! ( knock on wood) Keep jumping on that trampoline!!! Have you checked out Uncle Milton's site, they sell bugs. You can watch them grow, we have done: lady bugs, butterflies every year, praying mantis', ants. I always take his passions and let him go nuts with them!!! Then we make graphs and charts to see how long it takes for them to hatch, last year we had a tadpole and he kept a record book as to the growth of it. Anyway... I have an older son and when he was younger I made him a book in to help him understand ( don't ask the lady that bought one lol the illustrations are shotty lol) Look for different social skills books to help her with understanding that are age appropriate. Well.... welcome again!!!!!! Look forward to talking to you soon!!!!
01-30-2013, 08:26 AM |
Posts: 22
Joined: Jan 2013
Hmm. I'm starting to think this love of insects and animals isn't a coincidence! Where our fellow humans lack understanding of our problems, animals don't care. Any of the negative stimuli people give me, animals don't. I even use petting my cat as a way to block out negative feelings! I had so many frogs, bugs, lizards, etc growing up and I could just watch them in their habitat for hours. Sorry if this isn't a new realization lol I know very little about SPD still.
01-30-2013, 03:24 PM |
Posts: 20
Joined: Jan 2013
Hey Guys,
Thanks for the warm welcome. It is comforting knowing we are not alone and there are others with whom we share unique similarities despite our differences. It has been a wealth of information the last few days and every free moment I have, I find myself reading articles about SPD. I've had so many "AHA" moments in the last couple days and find myself smiling a little bit more.
Thanks Again,
01-30-2013, 06:32 PM |
Busy bodys

Posts: 210
Joined: Sep 2012
OH yes, we have two fish tanks, a crab, 5 hermit crabs, we had 3 frogs, dog, red eye tree frog, in the summer, butterflies, lady bugs, every slug from under rocks and timbers, ummmm it goes on and on. My boyfriend I KNOW FOR SURE has SPD has 2 tortises, 2 red ear slider turtles, now 2 mastiffs, a fish tank. Loves, loves, loves animals! Animals don't judge, they need you, they don't talk back, they are always there for you, give you comfort when needed, great mindless way to not have to think about anything but that! My son wants to be a marine biologist, and I have had him in swimming we go to zoo and aquarium whenever we can. He is 8
01-30-2013, 07:49 PM |
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(This post was last modified: 09-24-2022, 01:32 PM by jgreenlee.)
09-24-2022, 01:10 PM |