Posts: 3
Joined: Feb 2013
Hi my name is natoli.
. What brings you here?
2. What is your relations to someone with SPD? Do you have it? a child of yours? Do you treat SPD kids as a professional?
3. Share a little of your journey if you'd like.
4. Is there any immediate help you need?
5. SPD doesn't run your life! What are you or your child's gifts? Interests?
6. What do you like to do in your spare time? Any hobbies or interests?
recently i had been diagnosed with SPD.
When i was a child i had frequent crying tantrums and my mom played it off as i was low on sugar or somthing wierd. When i was 12 i had 2 close friends and a strong group of close friends from boy scouts. but i couldnt stand going to a meeting once a week. I would randomly cry anywhere, anytime not out of depression but i dont know why either. and it would be a diffrent type of cry like my eyes would water breathings tightens but no emotion to it i could be thinking of how great my breakfast was or talking to som1. now as i am older such a thing is hazardous when im driving or working but thats another story. at 13 years old i had a constant unbearable negitive feeling that would not go away. i had acualy lost an amount of weight from since i was 12. then one day out camping i smoked weed. for months i smoked it maybe 4 times a month. then when i was 14 its been everyday since. not as much as when i was in middle and highschool but still often. it was a miracle drug but my parents and the law did not agree i should be smoking it. the last time i went 6 months without smoking. i was locked up in a crisis stabilization unit becuz i was assumed bonkers as i like to put it. so not smoking weed again scares me but i dont like that i have to smoke to enjoy work i want to smoke for the fun of it not so i can feel human.
so here i am with yall and knowing that there might be other people like me is a miracle to me. my sis and i r aspies but SPD causes alot of my anxiety and quirks as i see ppl say
02-22-2013, 08:45 AM |
Busy bodys

Posts: 210
Joined: Sep 2012
Welcome! I have often heard that adults who had not had early intervention often try to find their own ways to cope. My boyfriend who is 50 is just not getting himself clean. He never knew what he had until he met me. My son is 8 with SPD and because of seeing him he knows what he has now. So check out the rest of the group, there are a lot of adults on here and read and talk to them to help yourself. You will be ok, this is a great group! Heather
03-04-2013, 09:22 AM |