Brain Aneurysm - BrainDamaged71 - 03-14-2016
I just want to know if having a ruptured brain aneurysm can cause this condition? I've neverfelt this way until I had my brain bleed and I relate to so many of the symptoms.
RE: Brain Aneurysm - EvaE1izabeth - 12-23-2016
I'm not sure, and none of our doctors will say conclusively one way or another, so I wouldn't be surprised if they don't know. The studies on all of this are still unbelievably limited, it drives me crazy but I think the nature of the condition makes it hard to study. My son has had more surgeries than I can count and has been intubated as well. My understanding is both anesthesia and intubation can cause neurological problems, but the issue for us is that no one noticed an immediate change at any one time. His MRI also shows bleeding in the brain, but the neurologist said it was too borderline in severity so could possibly be normal and she didn't want to definitively state a relationship.